Thursday, May 17, 2007

Summer Is Supposed to Be a Time for Vacations

I leave to pick up my mother tomorrow afternoon. We'll be back here by Saturday and then... then, she is here for the entire summer.

97 days.
2, 328 hours.
138,680 minutes.
8,380,800 seconds.

I sure hope the Prozac in my system can handle this, because I am not doing too well on my own. I am already breaking out and losing my train of thought. Having headaches. All because my mother is coming to stay the summer.

I should be grateful... and I am.
This is very nice of her. She is coming to stay with us to help out during a busy time. BUT dear god, she makes me crazy and I don't know if I can handle crazy and busy this summer.

I do appreciate her. I just have to focus on what a big help she will be and overlook how controlling and manipulative she is. I have to think about how much fun the kids will have with her and forget about how we clash over everything from what to cook for dinner to how to raise children. I have to be mindful that this woman is my mother and I am an adult and we are not here to relive my childhood.


Defenses ready?

Let's do this thing.

Monday, May 14, 2007

The Best Present Ever

Johnny and the girls gave me a puppy for Mother's Day. Gracie is almost potty trained, so they figured we needed something else to decorate the house with poop and pee. He is the most precious puppy I have ever seen. A Pom-a-poo. Such thinsg exist to my surprise. A glorified mutt no matter how much we paid for him. His mother is a poodle and his father is a pomeranian. He is gorgeous and I will post pics as soon as I am able. he is 14 ounces right now and he isn;t supposed to grow bigger than 5 pounds, but anything is possible with a mutt. Even really cute mutts like this little guy. Johnny likes for me to do my Raising Arizona impression whenever possible- "I love him so much." This is said with much crying and force. Oh, the joy of my new puppy.

05.17.07 UPDATE: I named the puppy "Luca Brasi." Luca was Don Corleone's personal enforcer and the only man the Don feared. He was fiercely loyal to the Don and a ruthless killer. His character in the movie makes me laugh and I quote him often. I should have named him "Sweet Angel Baby Straight from Heaven," but all of the other dogs would just laugh at him.